Author: goNetcong

Available Netcong Services

The 99cents store located at 51 Main street, Netcong NJ has Toilet Paper, Bounty, and some cleaning supplies in stock. If you’re in need then stop by.

Netcong Borough restaurants are offering take out and some have delivery as well. Be sure to call well-ahead of time to place orders.  Essential businesses like grocery stores, pharmacies and gas stations will remain open. Please be patient and kind (online and in-person) as we all get through these uncertain times together. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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Spread the word! The Netcong Borough Emergency Food Bank

The Netcong Borough Emergency Food Bank is open on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am to Noon in the Boro Hall Parking Lot. No ID is required. Please wear a mask. / La Despensa de Alimentos en Netcong Borough estará abierta todos los martes y jueves desde las 9 de la mañana hasta las 12 del mediodía. Ubicado en el estacionamiento de la alcaldía (Boro Hall).

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Emergency Food Bank Letter

As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together, one thing is clear: The Netcong Borough Police Department, the Skylands Rotary, the Netcong Community Partnership the Borough of Netcong and the Netcong Education Foundation “We are all in this together and we’ll be here for as long as we’re needed”. A trailer has been placed in front of the Netcong Borough Police Department to collect all types of food for our community.

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